Monday, August 1, 2011


Ever feel like you have a case of the Mondays - all week long?  I know it's only Monday so you probably can't answer that question yet, but I had the most fabulous weekend with my family (valleyfair, visiting, MOA) and I really didn't want to start the work week.  I often wonder why I don't want to start the work week and I realize it's because I'm not accomplishing any of the goals I've set for myself in the past few months.  I've only been slowly starting to work on them, but it's not enough and I won't be satisfied with the end results (or lack thereof) if I don't put all I have into it.  Today I stumbled across a blog post about 9 Immediate Tips to Stay Focused On Your Goals (perfect!).  I'll highlight it for you, but I strongly encourage you to read the entire article - I'm feeling more motivated already :)

1. Concentrate on 1-3 Goals
2. Create a Vision Board (I posted about this earlier here) but a great place to learn how to make one is here
3. Create Milestones - end goals can seem like a lifetime away, so reward yourself and make milestones special each time you meet one
4. Create a Plan
5. Track Your Goal
6. Have Goal Buddies
7. Start a Journal Documenting Your Journey
8. Be Clear On Why You are Pursuing Your Goal
9. Learn to say "No"

I encourage you to read the whole article and start working toward your goals today!  Care to share what they are??

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