Tuesday, August 30, 2011

SKOL Vikings!

It's Football Season in MN - and everywhere else there is NFL ;)  Which, to me, means lots of great food, wonderful friends, delicious beer and chilly fall days =) My beautiful sister, my brother, my uncle and myself were fortunate enough to receive tickets, that my Grandma won at a benefit, for the first (pre-season) Vikings vs. the Cowboys Game on Saturday night.  It was a blast!!

Skyler (my sister) and I laughed a lot because we felt like we were watching the cheerleaders' awesome moves more than the game, haha.  We had phenomenal seats - 9th row behind the end zone!!  We lost, but the atmosphere was so fun!  Also, the fans did 'the wave' 9x around the stadium!!  That must be some sort of record?!?!  Another great thing about living in the TC, there's access to all these sporting events and it doesn't take 7+ hours to drive there one way...

I'm looking forward to actual season opener - Sept. 11th.  We will be celebrating at a college buddy's house!  This year we are going to take turns hosting Sunday games. I can't wait =) Do you have any football traditions?

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