Thursday, August 11, 2011

My Summer Reading List

Yes, I know...Summer is almost over.  Well, not for's not over until I say it's over ;)  I don't participate in any activities (right now) that really signify to me the ending of summer.  I don't have a garden, I don't have kids that go back to school, I don't lay outside and tan..etc.  so I get to choose when my summer is over and I need to finish my summer reading list first ;)  So to make sure I get it done before snow hits the ground (which really will signify the end of summer) I am only choosing two. 

"The Help" by Kathryn Stockett - I hear it's amazing and I'm only on page 5, but I'm hooked too.

"Toxin" by Robert Cook - it's about a deadly E. Coli outbreak and so it has drama, medicine...all the things I love in a good book.  Well, except a love story, I like that a lot too.....

I downloaded them both onto my Kindle last night and like I said, have already started The Help.  I can't wait to finish it because the movie will be released soon and I'm all about reading the book before seeing the movie.  Do you have any last minute books you want to finish before your 'end of summer'?


  1. "The Help" is one of the best books I have read. You will love it. I just hope the movie does it justice!


  2. I also loved "The Help." Right now I'm reading "The Pillars of the Earth," by Ken Follett. It's been good.

    I got a Kindle this past Christmas and love it!!
