I love summer - most of the time...most of the heat I could do without! What I love are evenings filled with friends, family, bbqs...you get the idea. So that's why I am super excited about my upcoming weekend because college friends are coming to town and we are going tubing and out to the bar for some much needed girl time and catching up :) Can't wait!
Now, onto my ne-blog-ect. Basically, I haven't been writing because I don't know what to write about. I felt stuck, lost..what have you. Don't get me wrong, I love my life but not so much my current job, which has led me on a chase of what my true passion is. I read a lot of blogs and one of my favorites is cassieland.me. It's written by an acquaintance from H.S. and I'm so inspired by all her ideas. Today she had a link about how to write a dream board. It led me to Oprah Winfrey's website which led to an hour or so of reading all about pursuing what you love to do..etc. I think it gave me the boost of motivation I need to rejuvenate myself for studying and working towards some goals I have. So, thank you, Cassie, for inspiring me.
My hubby is smack dab in the middle of a pediatric surgery rotation. He loves it. He said the work is so incredible because you meet these tiny babies and their families who feel as if their baby is "broken" and can't live a very good life and he gets to help "fix" them. Then they get to go back to the family and tell them how their little angel will live a full and healthy life and the feeling is just incredible. Of course, not every story has a fairytale ending, but so far his team has been lucky. He definitely stays busy, though. He gets up at 3:30am to be to work at 4:30 and comes home around 6, but Monday night he didn't get home until 11! So it really varies. I try to be helpful and have dinner ready, clothes done, clean house..etc. I actually really enjoy helping like that. Thanks to his parents we have a coffee maker that I can preset to have coffee ready for when he leaves in the morning. I LOVE it. I know he can make his own coffee, but I feel involved and helpful when I can have it ready for him the night before (and I don't have to get out of bed in the morning!)
I can't wait to share with you the inspiring ideas that I got from Oprah.com/spirit, but I want something to write about tomorrow ;)
I got a track back to your blog, and am so glad you checked out some O-loving!!! Hope all is well, and keep it up! I'm adding you to my blogroll right away :)