Monday, August 22, 2011

Day of Frustrating Things

I know it's Monday and I'm hoping everyone in blogworld is coming back from an exciting fun weekend, so I don't mean to put a damper on anything, however, I need to vent about just a couple teeny tiny things.

1) My husband lost his phone over the weekend - again.  In the past 5 years, he has lost 3 phones to the water, lost one and did have one that we gave to charity.  My husband needs one of those military phones that are indestructible - because if it can break, he can manage that.  It's not sooo much the breaking though, it's the dropping it into the lake that's usually the problem.  This time, though, he just left it at the hospital. He came home on Friday evening and told me he forgot his phone there.  Now, if it were me (because I love my phone) I would have turned around and went back for it, especially on a Friday, knowing I won't get it until Monday.  Nope, not him.  He said he left it in his white coat so he will pick them both up Monday.  Well, guess what, it's Monday and it's not there.  SO, hopefully some good Samaritan turned it into security or something, but I'm not too optimistic.  Being the "organized" (haha!) wife that I am, I checked out our account to find out eligibility for upgrades, what our insurance would cover, etc.  And you know what?  He would have been eligible for an upgrade on Sept. 9th.  Yep, like 2.5 weeks away.  Nice.  As far as I can tell we don't have insurance on it either. So what we will probably have to do is use my upgrade (since I'm eligible) and get him a new phone and then I'll use his upgrade in Sept - just like we did last year when his phone took a swim in Lake Bemidji. 

2) People that have blogs and have used the url of something I want but aren't actually utilizing their blog. For instance, I still need a new name, so I looked up metoo (dot) and it's taken.  allthatglitters is taken too and so is allthatglittersisgold.  I don't know I'm attracted to the names with glitter in them, probably because it reminds me of princesses and I feel I should have been one ;) wait, that's for a different post - my castle one (at some point) =)

3)  This is a split complaint - celebration number because a) my co-ed softball team won the championship last night and it was a blast!!!!  BUT b) I hurt my foot/ankle/heel..not sure what you want to call it by my whole foot throbs and I can't walk on it very well and that's super frustrating.

4) Because my foot hurt so  much I didn't want to get out of bed, which made my morning not as productive as I'd like (hence the later blog post) and also made me miss getting my caffeine shot - my tea. 

5) and I'm freezing.  This office is so cold - all of the time.  I have a sweater on but it's not helping and then you go outside and it's 80+ degrees....makes no sense to me at all. 

Okay, done.  Now that I was able to get that all out of my system I can smile and the rest of my day and week will go well =)

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