Friday, September 16, 2011

Moscato Wine!

It's no secret that I love wine, especially white "desserty" wine.  I follow many different blogs and one of them that I stumbled across, Life's a Happy Hour, featured my favorite flavor of wine, Moscato and I was intrigued by her review of Villa Alena Moscato Wine from Trader Joe's, so obviously, I had to try it - and I loved it!  We drank some after canning on Friday night and I have to share our pictures of our "food photography" experiments.

Oops, too fast!

Again, my hand is in the way, and it looks just plain weird to have the bottle right there.

There!  The grapes do the trick!  I think the wine glass could probably be moved off the cutting board, but we are amateurs, what do you want from us? ;)


  1. i LOVE Moscato!!!!! It's my absolute fave. :)

  2. Mine too! I keep trying different kinds, but I'm always brought back to Moscato!!
