Sunday, July 14, 2013

Weekend Run-Down

So Friday babygirl and I had a visit from Grandma Karyn (Ryan's mom).  We had a blast!  We hit up Caribou (an obsession for both of us) and the Harley shop.  We got a little lost on the way to the Harley shop but it was quite an adventure.  Turns out we just went the wrong way on the highway and had to do a big loop to get back.  Then, we hit up the pool for 2 hours!  Gwen had a blast!  I didn't get any pics cuz I accidentally left my phone at home :-/  I think Grandma snapped a couple so I will have to get those from her sometime.  

Friday night we went on a family cruise (old school car style) South of town to check out some of the smaller towns along the river.  We grabbed some DQ (minus some for babygirl - she was out like a light!) and just drove.  I love going on drives, so it was perfect.  

Saturday we dilly dallied all day long about what we were going to do (even though I felt like there were PLENTY of options) and ended up attempting to go on a walk through a place called Goose Island that we discovered before.  It was super buggy though and we ended up cutting out walk pretty short and heading down to the riverfront for Crazy Days.  Crazy Days weren't as exciting as I thought they'd be, but then I learned that we hit it up on the very last I'm thinking that Thursday and Friday were probably more hopping - plus it was like 90+ degrees!  Yuck!  Saturday night we rented a movie - Identity Theft (I've heard mixed reviews, but we liked it).  

Sunday we hit up church in the morning and came home and babygirl and I both took naps while Daddy did some reading.  Then we went to SAMS club and got a membership and loaded up on groceries (lots of produce!!!)  I am thrilled!  We then came home and grilled out and this evening I have a wild hair to clean, clean, clean - although it's like 11pm and I should go to bed!  We have a super busy and exciting week - I can't wait to share it with you!  


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