Saturday, July 27, 2013

Another Week Flies By

Whew, is all I can say about our last week!!  We took off last Wednesday for my hometown to partake in a family reunion.  It was a blast!  But I'm exhausted (and it was last weekend!)  We had over 200 people show up.  The food was awesome, the visiting phenomenal and overall, it went off without a hitch - which is great, because my mom was one of the primary organizers and so it was a bit hectic and stressful leading up to it.  The county fair was also going on during the weekend we were home and I was able to take babygirl there to visit all the farm animals!  She loved it!  I have pictures, but they are on my camera and that's in the other room and I'm too lazy to go get it right now.   We drove back on Monday and it took us 14 1/2 hours!  So, needless to say, Tuesday we did nothing.  Literally, we napped, ate, and watched TV.  Wednesday we had a playdate and then did more napping.  Thursday, my little peanut woke up with a temperature and was crabby ALL day :(  She's teething and was not a happy girl.  Friday was more of the same, but she did a bit better towards the evening so we went on a family walk and to the Farmer's Market to pick up some peas and rhubarb - yum! That leads us to today, which we spent going to an Art Fair, doing some yard work and cleaning.  I still have a lot of cleaning to do to make up for my lack of everything this past week, but I think it can wait until tomorrow and I can go to bed...cuz I'm tired!

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