Saturday, April 20, 2013


Overwhelmed is maybe not the appropriate post for this - or maybe it is.  We have so much stuff going on in our lives right now, it's crazy!  I really want to sit down and write a beautiful, long, inspired post, but I pretty much just don't have time. I want to write about more places I want to travel - basically planning family vacas on here because when I was previously planning our trips on here (or more dream trips) I really felt like I was learning and becoming more inspired to work towards my goals.  I want to write about my new house and all the remodeling I want to do...yea, new house...did I mention that?!?!  We are moving to WI in June so the hubby can start residency and we bought a house! We are super busy with packing and trying to figure out what should be packed right now and what can wait.  I want to write about the books I've read.  I want to write more about Little Miss G, she's getting so big and learning so much!  It's so fun - we took her to the zoo the other day for the first time.  She didn't pay much attention to the animals, but loved the flowers she got to touch and loved looking at the water in the sea lion and polar bear tanks. I also have crafts to start and people to write - and well, maybe that's it.  probably not. It feels a bit better to write it all out though - all the things I want to do....I also found this (which I kind of feel like I do - Nothing - but now that will change):

Instead of doing nothing because i'm overwhelmed TODAY I WILL DO SOMETHING EVEN Small BECAUSE IT WILL BE ONE STEP CLOSER TO MY GOAL

A few positive notes:

1)  The sun is shining today!  Seriously, it's a huge improvement.  We've had snow storms every two/three days for WEEKS!

2) A great friend of ours welcomed a healthy baby boy into the world yesterday. We couldn't be happier for them!  Can't wait to see him in May! 

3) I have been playing catch up on a few of my friend's blogs and realized another great friend is over halfway done with her pregnancy - can't wait for them to welcome their little one into the world!  

4) My Mom and Dad are visiting this weekend, I love seeing them!

5) I'm drinking my fav. Caribou drink right now - yum! 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your new house!!! Can't wait to see pictures and hear about your remodeling! :)
