Tuesday, April 10, 2012

6 Simple Habits to Help You Take Consistent Actions Towards Your Goals

I LOVE my daily blogs.  I'm slightly obsessed. It makes me a little sad when I log onto some of my favs just to find out they haven't posted yet for the day.  It's slightly hypocritical, since I don't always post everyday but I'm pretty sure I have a smaller audience than my "friend" Henrik Edberg from positivityblog.com.  Anyway, I was reading his blog today and I just had to post tidbits from what he said because it really fits into my life right now.   I'm taking the MCAT May 12th.  Yep, it's on the calendar.  I've paid for it.  I'm in a class.  I'm super nervous and scared but I'm going to do it.  Anyway, I have trouble focusing my attention and studying for it, even though it's a short month away.  So, today's blog post from Henrik is really helpful and insightful and I think I'm going to try it.....

1) Follow A Morning Ritual

You simply set up a routine in the morning that you do as soon as you wake up. This works so well because what you do early in the day often sets the context for your day. As humans we have a strong tendency to want to be consistent with what we have done before. That’s one big reason why a bad start often leads to a bad day and a good start often leads to a good day. So find your own good start to your day, one that helps you. Henrik's is for example very simple and includes a couple of glasses of water, a good breakfast, some light decluttering in his workspace and getting started with the most important task of the day right away after those first few morning activities.

2) When you are taking action, focus only on the process.

Focus on the process and you will be a lot more relaxed and prone to continue than if you stare yourself blind on the potential results that never come as quickly as you want to and puts you on an emotional rollercoaster from day to day.

3) Everyday remember why you are taking action.

Find your top priorities and reasons for why you are doing what you are doing.
It could be to provide for your child, to save up for a big purchase or for traveling, to get the job you really want or to raise your self-esteem. Or something else. To not lose track of why you are taking action, to stay focused, take a few minutes and write down the top reason(s) and put that note where you can see it every day. Like for example in your work space or near your bed so that you see when you wake up every morning.

4) Quickly remind yourself you don't want to hurt yourself.

Realize that when you disappoint yourself and don’t think and do as you really deep down want to you hurt yourself by lowering your self-esteem. Whatever you do during your day sends signals back to yourself about what kind of person you are. Do the right thing like being effective, kind, going to the gym or simply rest and you feel good.

5) Take Smaller Steps on the days when big ones seem daunting.

Per Henrik: On some days getting started with that most important task of the day or doing any of the big tasks may seem daunting and you start to procrastinate. When that happens, one thing that has worked for me is to be kind. To nudge myself forward instead of beating myself up. So at such times I focus on doing a very small and simple task or two. Or I may make a deal with myself to just work for 5 minutes on a bigger and more difficult task. Or if that feels like too much I make a deal with myself for 2 minutes of work.

6) Celebrate What You Did Today

Finally, one habit that you can use at the end of your work hours or before going to bed. When you appreciate your good work you feel even better about your life and yourself and over time taking more action with less inner resistance becomes possible and associated with even more positive emotions.
So take two minutes at the end of the day to think about what you can appreciate about what you did today. Or write down a couple of self-appreciative things in your journal. Have a tasty treat or a bigger celebration.

Hope these gave you a little motivation.  I know I'm going to try a few of these....starting today!  :)

“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” 
                                                                      Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Monday, April 9, 2012

Baby Bump Photo!

As promised...finally...a baby bump photo!  We are at 13 weeks and 3 days :)   Not a big bump yet, but I definitely popped.  I can't suck it in anymore!  Hehe.  

Saturday, April 7, 2012

An Apache Marriage Blessing For Your Saturday Morning....

So I was making cards this week and came across this beautiful poem that turns out is a traditional Apache Marriage Blessing.  I have two wedding showers this month (both of which I'm unfortunately missing) but I am using this poem in both cards because it kind of captures the essence of each couple.  They are both very outdoorsy and active so an American Indian blessing seems kind of fitting for couples of nature :)

Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter for the other.
Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth for the other.
Now there will be no loneliness, for each of you will be a companion for the other.
Now you are two persons, but there is only one life before you.
May beauty surround you both in the journey ahead and through all the years. May happiness be your companion and your days together be good and long upon this earth.

If you are married, or with a special someone, I hope this blessing echoes your relationship.  Enjoy your Saturday!  We are off to an Easter Egg Hunt, an Easter Dinner and a Baptism!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Week 13

Yes!  Last week of 1st trimester.....or is it that we are done with first trimester now.  You know, counting the weeks in pregnancy is very confusing.  They want to count the first two weeks before you're even pregnant...so, when you conceive you are actually already two weeks pregnant..it's very strange.  It's so they can use the first day of your last missed period...etc. because not a lot of people know their conception date, but anyway, it's weird.  Back to the point of the post: we are in week 13!!!  That means, baby has vocal chords, teeth buds and fingerprints. It's intestines are moving from the umbilical chord to their permanent home in baby's tummy. Baby is the size of a peach!  Side note: It's also very funny to me that they keep comparing the baby to these fruits that all seem to be about the same size...lime, plum, peach.  I don't know, they all look the same to me...but I'm sure at thebump.com they are measuring a smaller lime than a plum and smaller plum than a peach.  I was going to post a baby bump picture today but my photographer is out of town...hehe..I promise it's coming soon Amanda ;)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Top Spring Travel Destinations

So I wanted to get back to posting a little about travel for three reasons...1) I have the itch to travel and know we won't be traveling for a long time and 2) I had lots of people tell me it was fun to read and 3) (which you could argue could be combined with 1) I love to write about it!  I think that I should get my own show like Samantha Brown....just saying.

Today's post is about great travel destinations in the Spring. We are safely into April so it's safe to say Spring (er...Summer...er...weird weather patterns!) are here to stay.  Here are some wonderful places we should check out when they are in "full bloom".

1) New York City

Why go now?
Baseball season openers rally Yankees (April 13) and Mets (April 5) fans, cherry blossoms set the Brooklyn Botanic Garden ablaze (April 21–29), and the reels turn at the Tribeca Film Festival(April 18–29). 

Insider Tip (yea, I got this from somewhere, no I have not been to New York!): 
Set out with Urban Oyster for expert guide-led glimpses of authentic NYC (Manhattan food carts, Brooklyn breweries, and more).

2) Tuscany, Italy

Why go now:
Before summer’s tourist crowds pour in, rub elbows with the Tuscan locals for a slew of quirky, age-old spring festivals dedicated to everything from medieval-style crossbow competitions (several locations, dates vary) to luck-carrying crickets (Festa del Grilloin Florence, May 17) to cart explosions (Scoppio del Carro in Florence, April 8).

Insider Tip: 
Explore pastoral Tuscan landscapes via a self-guided weeklong cycling tour, customized with cooking classes or wine tastings, with Pure Adventures.

3) Miami, Florida

Why go now: 
Beach bums-cum-culture vultures can indulge their taste buds at the Miami Wine & Food Festival (April 18–21); or partake in the Miami Beach Gay Pride celebrations (April 13–15). Sports enthusiasts, meanwhile, are anticipating the new state-of-the-art Miami Marlins stadium (it opened April 4), complete with a duo of aquariums set behind home plate. 

Insider Tip: 
For 25 cents, ride the South Beach Local bus for a quick-and-easy tour of the Art Deco Historic District.

4) Paso Robles, California

Why go now: 
Tour the wine trails of this burgeoning California wine region in mid-May and catch the 30th annual Paso Robles Wine Festival (May 18–20), too, with 70 area wineries pouring in Downtown City Park, and a gaggle of local chefs showcasing their farm-fresh fare. Also worthwhile: the 20th annual Hospice du Rhone (April 26–28), celebrating all things Rhône.

Insider Tip: Build your preference-based wine tasting itinerary via the Paso Robles Wine Country Alliance’s recently launched Interactive Trip Planner.


5) Mallorca, Spain

Why go now: 
Head to Spain’s most popular Mediterranean isle during the third week of May for the transporting medieval festival held at Capdepera Castle, or take in other traditional spring fetes, complete with processions, reenactments, and entertainment, like the Festa de l'Ángel at the Bellver Castle in Palma in mid-April, or Les Valentes Dones in Sóller in May.

Insider Tip: 
Mallorca’s Serra de Tramuntana Mountains—recently designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site—are primed for hiking.

6)  Prague

Why go now: 
Springtime sees Prague blossom in everything from its flowering magnolia trees to its cultural offerings. The world-class Prague Spring Music Festival (May 12–June 3) brings three weeks of symphony, opera, and chamber concerts to the city. Peruse the handcrafted goods and traditional foods of the Easter markets (March 24–April 15) in Old Town Square, or hit the stalls of the foodie-and-beer lover’s haven, Czech Beer Festival Prague (May 17–June 2).

Insider Tip: The generous blooms of Petrín Hill lend well to a springtime stroll.

7) Sydney, Australia

Why go now: 
Sample autumn Down Under with Sydney's ramped-up cultural calendar, including the Museum of Contemporary Art, which re-opened in March, with a new rooftop café and sculpture terrace. Nab hot tickets like the Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour(March 24–April 15), or catch Vivid Sydney’s "festival of music, light, and ideas" (May 25–June 11), featuring an illuminated Sydney Opera House.

Insider Tip:
Get a local’s perspective of Sydney from the passenger seat of 1960s classic Australian vehicle, courtesy of My Sydney Detour’s bespoke tours.


8) Saint Lucia

Why go now
While peak winter crowds and rates typically wind down after April, the annual Saint Lucia Jazz Festival (April 30–May 13), headlined by Lionel Richie this year, ensures that Saint Lucia remains on the Caribbean’s hot list well into spring.

Insider Tip:  Catch weekly jazz headlined by renowned local artist Carl Gustave at the Bay Gardens Beach Resort & Spa (Thursday nights through late spring).

And there you go!  Places to head out to in the Spring (next year!) or if you are super spontaneous you can book it now and head out :)  We will have baby coming so we are saving our money, but maybe we can go somewhere next Spring as a little Babymoon (I know those are suppose to happen BEFORE baby, but we're broke and busy) and graduation present for the hubby!  

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I'm anxiously awaiting this weekend.  It cannot come fast enough!  I'm off to Lancaster for a weekend of Easter and Family activities :)  The hubby took off this morning for the cabin and I will pick him up on the way.  We have a baptismal celebration on Saturday...a family Easter on Saturday....another Easter Dinner on Sunday and then the long drive back.  Weekends at home are never long enough.  Luckily, I get to head out earlier on Friday than normal.  We won't be getting into Lancaster at 1am like we normally do.  I have a ton of errands to run tomorrow and tonight I'm not that tired (which, I wish I was so I could get sleep and get up early tomorrow!).  I need to study, get the baptism gift, buy a couple wedding shower gifts, go to the post office, buy a new dress (well I don't HAVE to, but of course I WANT to :) ) study some more, buy a book for my cousin, go to class and pack. It will be a busy day off!  Oh yea, and make sure the house is clean (garbage taken out, dishes done, etc.) before I take off for the weekend.  Then Friday morning I get to head to work and then leave from work for Lancaster!  Have I mentioned how excited I am yet???  Maybe I'll try get a few things accomplished tonight...not sure what though....fold laundry?  Anyway, this was kind of a random post, but I am excited and have way too much energy tonight.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Baby Heart Beat and 12 week Update

Hello Blogworld! Friday marked the beginning of week 12 and yesterday the hubby and I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time.  What an amazing experience!  I tried to attach it, but I guess I can't figure out how to add a sound to a specific post.  If anyone knows how, I'd definitely appreciate the how-to :) 

Week 12 marks close to the end of the nausea (I hope!).  It keeps getting better, but as I type this I can't find anything to eat tonight that doesn't make me feel a little nauseated, except for the orange popsicle I'm currently enjoying. I have been having a few more headaches and some dizziness, which is quite annoying, but all part of the beginning of the 2nd trimester. Baby's almost done developing its body's most important systems and parts, which means, it's mostly about getting bigger and more mature from here on out. I feel like I may have actually "popped" too.  I promise a photo is SOON to come.  Oh yea, and baby is the size of a plum this week!!  :)