Friday, June 22, 2012

Baby/~Life! Update

Well, I did it again, I've been absent for way too long, but I'm not going to apologize because I've been very productive and very busy and I LOVED every minute of it :)

The Last Part of April

1) I finished up my MCAT prep class
2) Took in a Twins Game - they lost, by 1!
3) Helped celebrate a friend's wedding!


1) Took a Day Trip to Duluth for the hubby's eye appointment
2) Lunch and Caribou with a dear friend during said day trip!
3) Hair Appointment that went horribly wrong, but it's growing!
4) 1st Ultrasound and found out we are having a little girl!!
5) By the end of the weekend Grandparents had already spoiled her so much - crib, stroller, carseat, dresser and tons of clothes!
6) Went home for a week to help prepare for my little sister's Graduation


1) Hit up one of my BFF's Baby Showers
2) Registered for Baby at Target and Babies R Us!
3) Attended another friend's HS graduation
4) Celebrated another 12th Street Wedding
5) Got my highest score on a practice MCAT yet (still needs to be a little higher, but I was excited!)
6) Overnight Trip to Bemidji to be the overbearing Big Sister and help my little sister pick classes for her freshman year of college
7) Hit 24 weeks pregnant and had our 2nd Ultrasound - everything looks great and it's definitely a girl!

Whew!  And we still have about a week left of June.  I make no promises about when the next time I post is (maybe that'll make me do it more frequently :-P ) I'm hoping we make a trip up to the cabin next weekend and that I can get a ton more of studying accomplished!  I also have a scrapbooking date with a friend on Tuesday so I hope I can get BabyGirl's first pages complete - 2 ultrasounds and some maternity pics!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you and baby are still doing well! Is the time flying by for you?? You're lucky you got a second ultrasound! I only had one at 22 weeks and then not again until the ultrasound that showed we had to have the emergency c-section. Fun that you get the extra ultrasound pics :)
