This year it was our 6th Annual Campout. Somewhere 6 years ago someone had the genius idea to have a yearly get together and it has stuck and it has been wonderful! However, the atmosphere has definitely changed (and not for the worse - beautiful children have been added). It use to be that we stayed up until 1-2am and slept in until 9ish. Now we are in bed around 11-12 (at the latest) and up for sure by 7:30. We use to play Tippy we are searching for children's missing sippy cups. We use to buy a keg every we are lucky to get through a few cases of beer. It use to be the joke of who was going to 'get some' that night, now it's whose kid didn't end up in bed with them. It was Beer Pong, now it's PG Ping Pong. But seriously, look at these cute children...we wouldn't change it for the world - except maybe to take 1-2 kid free vacations now and again :)
And the group - LOVE YOU GUYS!!
Thanks for another memorable weekend, can't wait for next year!