I've been inspired lately...to write a blog. So much of my free time these days is spent online - bad, I know. I need to get better at disconnecting. It's hard these days. Plus, it seems as if one of the only effective ways to stay in touch with everyone these days is via Internet.
So, right now in medlife, the hubby is studying for his STEP 1 test and is always on his computer. The big day is coming up on June 20th. I know he'll pass and I have faith he will do quite well actually. I got lucky and am lucky to say that I have a super smart, handy and handsome husband. I don't want any readers to get the idea that we don't get to spend any time together though. He is very good at time management these days and we go for a walk almost every night (yay exercise). If you know me personally you probably know that I'm not the biggest fan of exercising, but I'm actually really enjoying our walks and they get easier everday (except for last night when it was actually quite tiring - wonder if it was the greasy pizza we ate :-/). Well, I've been reading blogs, slowly putting our apartment together (still not done since the move) and studying to take the MCAT. I'd like to take myself out of the category of med school spouse and be put into med school student at some point. I'm fortunate that I have lots of support from my family and friends and think I'll eventually get there. I'm easily distracted though and that creates a problem. Like today, I did a little research about free things to do in the twin cities. My sisters are coming to visit and I can't wait to show them around and hopefully find some fun stuff to do with them. I already have a mini list going, now I just have to convince them they are a good idea. If you live in the twin cities area, I recommend checking out this website for awesome FREE concerts and movies in the park all summer long: